Calpe Beaches - Playa de la Fossa / Levante


Playa de la Fossa / Levante is a popular beach in Calpe, Spain - a long sandy beach with shallow, surrounded by a promenade with many restaurants and shops.

Date Updated

27th July 2024


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Calpe Beaches - Playa de la Fossa / Levante

Playa de la Fossa / Levante is a popular beach in Calpe, Spain - a long sandy beach with shallow, surrounded by a promenade with many restaurants and shops.

Sunbeds and parasols are available for rent, and the the clear, calm waters are ideal for snorkeling.

There is free parking across the road from the beach, as well as public transport from local buses.

Handicap access is available as well as a lifeguard in high season.

The beach has a Blue Flag from the EU for its cleanliness, safety, and accessibility.